Day 1 with Xpro3

Today, the Fujifilm Xpro3 and 16mm f1.4 that I bought used came in. I do have other cameras that use for my food and wedding photography, but if I’m going to be honest with myself, they don’t bring me joy. They have heavy glass, big body and overall nothing too special about that compared to what is being offered in the market. I wanted to get into shooting for myself again, after all I initially picked up a camera to start documenting parts of my life around sophomore year of college. As time went by it became more of a business and the equipment I ended up today it really build for professional work.

This time its personal. I could have gotten a better camera in every aspect, but I choose a camera that makes shooting fun for me again. Its a camera that I want to bring places and not feel like a burden to do so. The experience of using this camera reminds me of when I shot film and all the buttons and dials are analog and I just had to be confident in my shot. I had to slow down and think before shooting. Optical view finder was always on my list of wants in a camera, and other than fuji, only Leica does that. Consider this a poor man’s Leica.

So here are my first shots with them and playing around with different film presets. Jpegs right from the camera, no post production.

Xpro3 16mm f1.4 Front

Xpro3 Back


Something from Nothing